How to resolve LowLevelFatalError in Unreal Engine?
Step-by-step guide to troubleshooting common causes of LowLevelFatalError
Encountering a Low Level Fatal Error in Unreal Engine can be frustrating. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue.
Steps to resolve Low Level Fatal Error:
Update Graphics Drivers: Ensuring that your graphics drivers are up-to-date is crucial. Here’s how you can update them based on your hardware:
- NVidia Users: Use the GeForce Experience application to check and update drivers.
- AMD Users: Use AMD Radeon Software for driver updates.
- Alternatively, visit NVidia's or AMD's official website to download the latest drivers.
Use Unreal Engine's DirectX11 Startup Parameter: Sometimes, forcing Unreal Engine to start using DirectX11 can resolve compatibility issues. Here’s how to set it up:
- Locate the shortcut for “Brightearth Antibes” on your desktop.
- Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties.”
- In the “Shortcut” tab, find the “Target” field. Add " -d3d11" (including a space before the dash) at the end of the line. This should be added after the closing quotation mark of the target path.
"C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Brightearth Antibes.exe" -d3d11
Test the Unreal Program: After applying the above fixes, try running the Unreal program again to check if the issue is resolved.
- Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.
- Type “dxdiag” and press Enter or click OK.
- Allow the DxDiag tool a few moments to gather information.
- Once complete, click on “Save All Information…” and save the DxDiag.txt file to your computer.
Send a DxDiag Report: If the error persists, sending a DxDiag report can help us diagnose further. Here’s how to generate and send a DxDiag report:
Should issues continue, please don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.