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What are Augmented Buildings?

An Augmented Building is a procedurally generated 3D model that enhances traditional GIS footprint data with semantic, geometric, and textural attributes. This technology enables the creation of realistic, geographically accurate urban environments at scale, integrating architectural, environmental, and land use classifications for a more detailed representation of the built world.

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Key Characteristics

  • Semantic Intelligence: Each building is enriched with typology, land use, and biome data, ensuring its architectural style aligns with regional characteristics.
  • Geometric Augmentation: Procedural techniques enhance building shapes, adding realistic façades, rooftop elements, and structural details.
  • Environmental Context Awareness: Factors such as altitude, climate, and coastal proximity influence building generation to match real-world conditions.
  • Automated Scalability: AI-powered processing allows for the rapid generation of cities and regions, making this approach ideal for GIS, simulation, and digital twin applications.
  • High-Fidelity Texturing: Buildings are assigned region-specific materials based on vernacular architecture and urban land use.


Augmented Buildings are used in urban planning, smart city simulations, 3D mapping, game engines, and GIS platforms. They provide accurate, procedurally enhanced representations of real-world structures, bridging the gap between traditional geospatial data and interactive 3D urban environments.

Output & Compatibility

Augmented Buildings are currently available in OGC 3D Tiles format, with support for additional formats such as ESRI Geodatabase Multipatch and OpenUSD under development.


Augmented Buildings represent a new standard in 3D urban modeling, enabling scalable, high-resolution city reconstruction with semantic accuracy and procedural enhancement. This technology transforms raw geospatial data into interactive, dynamic digital environments for multiple industries.

Click here to know How Are Augmented Buildings Designed?